Marlow to Henley
Friday 9th May

The church at BishamQuiet night in Marlow and our accustomed early start followed by a morning cruise in the sunshine. The breeze was light, the weather warm and the river calm as we cruised in comfort with the canopy and mast down for the low bridges. We cruised up through Temple, Hurley and Hambleden locks and under a number of low footbridges and the Henley road bridge and then moored upstream of the bridge and close to the town centre. within sight of the new River & Rowing Museum. This was opened in 1998 and celebrates the history of the river and its importance to the town, as well as providing a popular venue for corporate and community events.

New Orleans pleasure steamerSome time cleaning off our external vinyl upholstery in the setting sun until its clean splendour then put the rest of the boat to shame. Ribald comments from passers-by such as "get a smaller boat" and "do you want to do mine".



Temple Island marks the beginning of Henley's Regatta ReachHenley will be the limit of our exploration of the Thames this time, as we have decided to head back downstream to keep to our schedule for the coming weeks. Although it would have been nice to get all the way to Oxford, it would have required many longer cruising days with less time to explore the stopping points on the way.

Henley's town hall piazza


Cruising Statistics

Distance: 7 nm

Total to date: 324 nm

Avg Speed: 4.5 knots

Duration: 2 hours

Wind: SW 3-4

Mooring: £7

Electricity: N/A






Temple 21'3

Hurley lock footbridges 14'5, 13'1

Henley Road 14'3